Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Week 7

This week was all about cameras. There are two types of cameras, what are the free and target cameras. The first camera I used was the free camera. The free camera displays everything that falls in the boundary of the blue box coming from the camera. You can also move and rotate the camera as well to get better camera angels.
The second camera I used was the target camera. The target camera lets you fix the camera to a target, so if the target objects moves around, the camera will still be looking at the object, because the camera pivots around to keep track of the target.
You can change the FOV(filed of view) and lens sizes. Both of these can be used to zoom in, but also good for choosing how much of the scene you want to see. If there are big objects on the scene, a wider FOV/ lens would be good.
Clipping planes lets you chose when the objects are drawn There are two parts to the clipping plane, what are near and far. The near clipping planes would be good for looking into buildings. they use clipping planes also in the Sims games. The far clipping plane would be use if you don’t want any of the far objects to be drawn.

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