Saturday 3 December 2011

Animating Scene 2

For this scene the mouse droids still follow a path, but R2D2 was animated by using the auto key function, the reason for that was because the directions R2 be moving in would not be that suitable to use a path. I linked all the different parts of R2’s to R2’s body, so all the parts stay together when it‘s body is animated.

First of all I did about 3 to 4 basic key frames for R2 hitting the wall, then bouncing of to a different direction. I used the curve editor to make the movement more realistic when R2 bounces off the wall then slows down and slides across the floor. I added a bit of rotation it the curve editor to show R2 trying to gain back control of it’s movements,. I uses off set movements to turn R2’s head before moving it’s body, what is seen in other animations.

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